Thursday, April 19, 2012


It is amazing how people can be so warped, especially journalists and administrators when dealing with issues surrounding FC Barcelona. In the semi final first leg clash between the club and Chelsea in the Champions League, Didier Drogba were labeled all kinds of tags and called all kinds of names because he was falling down constantly in that match. Nobody was saying if he fell on his own or after a contact. Even the veritable Lionel Messi fell a few times and nobody saw anything wrong in that. At a point, he even went down without anybody touching him.
But for Drogba, he became the hated because he fell constantly. I’m still awaiting a journalist who would tell us how many times he went on the floor, compared with Messi.
Obviously because everyone loves Barcelona, anyone who beats them becomes the hated. When Barca were falling all over the place against Real Madrid, it was style. Now that somebody has used their own medicine on them, it has become an evil thing.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Yoruba Nation Must Free Itself From the Slavery of Nigeria

To many Yoruba people, the dislike for OBJ  is so all-encompassing that they cannot at any point in time, put the real issue into perspective. Of course, like any typical Yoruba man, I find it hard to forgive Obasanjo for his anti-Yoruba and anti-Awo life and activities. But really, unlike the naughty ones, I am able to see  the bigger picture and realise that wherever he might be today, Papa Awo would want us to unite to fight a bigger octopus that is threatening our future and our ability to attain our right place in the world – beside great nations like the United States of America, Japan, China, Israel... The real issue that ought to concern Yoruba youth today should be the fact that the geographical enclave called Nigeria is so unwieldy and intra-hating that it could never hope to be one united entity. The OBJ haters need to find themselves in a situation,  I do pray one day, where their child on National Service would be killed in the north by these hopeless Hausa/Fulani people just because a Buhari lost election to a Goodluck   – an election that everyone saw to be free and fair. That is when they will know that this is not a country – or should we say, a nation. Not in the same way as USA, or Israel, Egypt, Japan would see itself. Yoruba e r'onu. Oduduwa children and nation must be free from her Nigeria colonialists.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Although it could be considered a long night, in fact too long and winding, but every one can see this is the most transparent political democratic decision that any ruling party in Nigeria ever made in the history of the country's partisan politics. If only this level of 'glasnost' (openness) can be put into the current attempt of the incumbent goverrment at the vaunted political 'perestroika' (restructuring) that it made out it is doing, then we can confidently say all the doomsday prediction for Nigeria could be said to come to naught. But then it always is so easy for Nigerians to make out splendid intentions and capacity when they so want to put on airs and polish images. But when the crux comes down, we all know how easy again it is for them to double cross their own splendid plans. Only those that were not old enough to witness June 12 would doubt the Nigerian in this capability to put its own house into ruination.
By all standards of honesty, glasnost and perestroika that anyone could point to in all the world, the June 12 election in Nigeria – from the process of the to parties' primaries to the final decision of the people – can be said to be one of the greatest examples of the majesty of democracy in full flight.
But by the time the very man who had ingeniously put it all together, had ingeniously – also – broken them into several pieces via the annulment, the ability of the Nigerian to being duplicitous had been fully demonstrated.
So if Nigeria is still groping politically, economically, technologically and development wise in darkness at age 50, after a full decade into the third millennium, and is still being used as the dump yard by developed, half developed, emergent and emerging nations of the world, that reality for the countrry is only symptomatic of the kind of people called Nigerians – at least so of most of them.
That is why almost every other founding fathers of the geographical enclosure had always gone to their death bed in wretched futility, knowing full well that the country they had hoped to midwife back in the day when they were fighting for independence, had yet to be given birth to when it was time for them to exit this level of the divide, and does not seems set to emerge in the next 100 year. Talk about South African Alan Paton's 1948 African epic story aptly titled Cry, the Beloved Country.