Thursday, April 19, 2012


It is amazing how people can be so warped, especially journalists and administrators when dealing with issues surrounding FC Barcelona. In the semi final first leg clash between the club and Chelsea in the Champions League, Didier Drogba were labeled all kinds of tags and called all kinds of names because he was falling down constantly in that match. Nobody was saying if he fell on his own or after a contact. Even the veritable Lionel Messi fell a few times and nobody saw anything wrong in that. At a point, he even went down without anybody touching him.
But for Drogba, he became the hated because he fell constantly. I’m still awaiting a journalist who would tell us how many times he went on the floor, compared with Messi.
Obviously because everyone loves Barcelona, anyone who beats them becomes the hated. When Barca were falling all over the place against Real Madrid, it was style. Now that somebody has used their own medicine on them, it has become an evil thing.